New pages: The 1910 Budapest meeting!

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New pages: The 1910 Budapest meeting!

Postby Anders » Fri May 26, 2017 6:14 am

It took a long time, but the Budapest pages are finally finished!

The Budapest meeting was very ambitious, with a program covering eleven days and the largest prize fund and the longest list of entrants of any aviation meeting so far. It attracted several of aviation's biggest names, like Hubert Latham, Louis Paulhan, "Géo" Chávez, Michel Efimoff and "Baronesse" de Laroche. The meeting was the debut of several new designs, for example the Etrich "Taube". The total distance flown exceeded all previous meetings, but the results achieved were not very spectacular and it ended in a financial disaster.

Much of the information has never been published in English before. The pages are the products of many hours of Google translation of Hungarian newspapers and magazines. Quite a lot have been made available on the web, but the Hungarian language is, let's say, different...

You will notice that the "Planes" page lacks photos of many of the participating machines. If you know of photos of the missing machines, please let me know! I would like to thank Andreas Jensch and László Winkler for their contributions.

The pages are here, please enjoy!

(Next up: The June 1910 "Grande Semaine de Paris")

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